Anthony Kim's Return to ⛳️

What you Can Learn about Marketing & Branding from AK

Three Lessons to Learn… 📝

Anthony Kim returned to a professional Golf Course this week for the first time in 12 years. Not only that, but he’s shown his face in public and joined social media for the first time as well.
The Golf world was in a frenzy to see the comeback of one of the most fascinating stories in professional sports.
Here’s what we can learn from the moment…

Be Distinct.

The first element of a successful personal brand is to be distinct. During Anthony Kim’s short career, he showed us that he was incredibly distinct.
A young Asian kid: brash, aggressive, powerful, with diamond belt buckles & a big swing. It was amazing to watch and he was really good.
But, AK was early in a line of countless golfers who, because they won young, would have the terrible misfortune of being compared to Tiger and expected to carry the heaviest torch in sports history.
They’ve all collapsed under that weight. And AK seemed to suffer that same fate.

Scarcity Sells.

The thing that has made him so distinct over the last 12 years is that we don't have any of Anthony Kim.
After taking the world by storm, he disappeared as quickly as he arrived under injury concerns with a mysterious insurance policy, and we have not heard from the man in 12 years.

There were random sightings in Dallas like he was Bigfoot. But now, he's returned.
But even after this week’s hype, we still haven’t heard anything of substance from him.
No explanation, no story, no confirmation or denial of any rumors.

The Three T’s

Timing, Team, and Talent: whether you're in the corporate world or in the sports marketing world. This concept applies.
AK has a particular talent, which is scarcity and demand, and this team at LIV feel like they could use that talent at this time. The timing is perfect because they want to put their foot on the gas after acquiring half the PGA tour and put a foot on the Tour’s neck to try and weaken the Tour and bolster their own ratings.

They're getting the guy who is more compelling than almost any other because we just haven't seen him. And I, for one, tuned in to see it. So maybe the CW ratings will be higher this week for once?

Let me know what you think.

In other News:
Nike’s Done It Again.

Bose > Beats?

s/o to the HUSTLER Thai Saechao who helped me put this newsletter together this week. He’s looking for a role in Sports Marketing, so connect with him if you’re looking for someone with initiative & intelligence. That’s a rare combo!

Education + Resources:

How to Land a Job in Sports Marketing: for anyone serious about chasing the Dream.

Once you’re ready, here’s a cool job listing for Eastside Golf. 👀

I joined the Sweat Equity Podcast to talk ALL about Nike, Branding & Marketing. Watch it or Listen here.

Gabby Reece had me at her home to talk NIL, Athlete Branding & Recovery. Listen or Watch it here.


The best Blessing I saw this week was my good friend Chance Craven’s powerful story - sharing the impact of what we do in the creative realm. Images matter. Stories matter.
You can support Justin’s recovery here.

If you enjoyed any of this, let me know. I’m here to serve.