The Building Blocks of Signature Campaigns

Adidas + Ant Man's Jenga Game

We are witnessing Sports Marketing history, but it’s built on a fragile House of Cards.
Let’s examine the building blocks that need to come together to deliver greatness in a successful signature shoe campaign.

Adidas hit the jackpot with Anthony Edwards.
They bet on the rising star and are enjoying the windfall of this calculated gamble.
Brands invest in athletes every day: most are misses, some are successes and some are shooting stars that light up the industry and change the course of teams, brands and leagues for years…but it’s a precarious tightrope.

Below are the 8 elements that must go right and if any one of these falls apart…the whole thing risks falling apart.


First up, we need an athlete who can perform. This is the foundation of any good signature athlete.
Ant Man has lit up the league this year, knocked out the Suns (& two of Nike’s signature stars) in the first round, and is up 2-0 on the defending Champion Nuggets in the second round.


Next, we need charisma because there are plenty of good athletes, but if they don't have charisma, you can't actually market them on a mass level.
This is SO RARE. Most athlete personalities are manufactured by marketing & PR teams by following a recipe, so most athletes fall to the average.
But this man is completely himself. He lights up every room he walks in, is a quote machine, and is completely unfiltered. He’s even had a role in Hollywood.
But, this is a double edged sword…more on that in a moment.


In order to have a great Signature campaign, we need a great shoe, and this is really hard to do in today's day and age.
With a glut of signature shoes, in addition to general release basketball shoes, and the proliferation of emerging brands- Curry Brand, Puma Hoops, NB Hoops, Moolah Kicks, Anta, 361 Degrees…the list goes on-it is becoming nearly impossible to show the market something new, functionally sound and compelling.
That's why this AE1 is so impressive for a debut.



Next, we have to have great marketing, and this is very rare. You need a great team in place, everybody marching in the same direction and you must have a great strategy.
Plenty of brands have fumbled stars’ potential because they don’t have a competent marketing department.



Then, we need a strong creative team to be able to actually execute something that communicates and connects with people.
You need an eye for talent, freedom for creatives to create something great, the athlete to cooperate and good distribution to get this work out.


After that, we have to have an athlete who can stay healthy. They have to stay on the court or on the field because athletes get injured every day, and it is devastating to more than just the athlete & their fans. It creates great challenge for brands as well.



Most precarious when dealing with 20-something [mostly] male millionaires, we have to have an athlete who can behave. 
adidas dodged a bullet with Anthony Edwards at the beginning of the season, but AntMan seems to have been on his best behavior ever since.
Plenty of athletes have been derailed by having to grow up in public, perform at a high level and get used to immediate riches long before their prefontal cortex is fully developed.


And last, but certainly not least, signature athletes need a team around them who can help carry the squad deep into the playoffs where legacies are cemented.
This is to say nothing of the off court team around the athlete - contract agent, marketing agent, family members, friends & business partners who have great influence on the athletes trajectory.


And if any one of these things falls apart…the whole thing falls apart.

The last element for Signature Star history will be an NBA Title, but right now, let’s sit back and watch the next great American star rise in the NBA. 📈

If you enjoyed this, or know someone who would, check out the Sports Marketing career resources I’ve compiled. Free advice, Podcasts & a couple paid courses too.

If you like branding &/or golf, you may enjoy the latest "Beyond the FairwayPodcast!


I spent the weekend at Bandon Dunes (American Golf Mecca). I learned so much about water conservation and sustainability with The Freshwater Trust.
Without clean water, we don’t get beautiful nature, healthy fish, a sustainable economy….and well, beautiful golf courses.
Maximizing vs. Optimizing
Their founder, Joe Whitworth, explained to me how the agriculture system (& many things in America) are set up for MAXIMIZATION vs. OPTIMIZATION.
I’m prone to Maximize, so I’m always trying to do LESS, but BETTER so that I can find an optimal lifestyle versus a Maximal lifestyle.
A thought to consider: where are you Maximizing vs. Optimizing & what could you do to change that?

The Next Generation:
s/o to the HUSTLER Thai Saechao who helped me put this newsletter together this week. He’s looking for a role in Sports Marketing, so connect with him if you’re looking for someone with initiative & intelligence.